? ??????????????Phone Booth? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (22 Ratings)??22 Grabs Today. 32054 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Love Storm? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (25 Ratings)??20 Grabs Today. 18428 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Cobalt Flower BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random thoughts on the baby!

Well I know i still have six more months until the baby arrives which is fine by me but I also wish that the baby would hurry up and get here so that way I can love on him or her..lol not exactly for sure yet what the baby is. But anyways I have been waiting patiently for the past three months and I can't wait any longer..lol..I wish I had a three-d ultra sound of the abay so I will know exactly what our baby will look like when its born. I keep wondering if it will have my eyes or kyles, or whether it will look like me or kyle in the face..which I hope it looks like kyle in the face because for a guy he is very pretty in the face.I hope if its a boy it has his body figure and if its a girl I hope she has my body figure. These are only a few of the thoughts that have crossed my mind here within the past week..lol crazy..not really i think its just the thoughts that every other soon to be mommy has.we ahve a doctors appiontment coming up in a few weeks on the 26th, it will be our second one!!YAH!!lol..I'm super glad that Tiffany gets to go with us to this one also because if not I know I would be really nervous and I need her there to make sure that kyle stays calm and don't panic and also to make sure that i don't panic as well.I really wish that Jenn could go with us but she has school and its hard when you miss a day at stilwell high school, especially when you miss 7 classes with homework!!But anyways I was thinking today about how much I wish my family would get involved in this the way that kyles family has,The last time I went down to see my daddy I got to see him for about an hour and then he had to leave to go meet some people for the church..which I know it might sound a bit selfish but those people could have waited atleast a few more hours to be seen so I could atleast for once since I moved out see my daddy when i drove all the way down there just to visit him because well i freaking miss him!!AAHHHH!! I guess I should look on the bright side I mean hey atleast i got to visit with my Step-mom For the time I was down..She seemed more interested than dad did at the time..but maybe thats because daddy hardly ever shows his feelings to people. I think I have seen that man cry maybe three times in my life!!But back to my main point..The BABY!! All i know is that the day my water breaks all of my family better haul butt to siloam springs hospital to be with me on one of the happiest days of my life!!


Tiffany said...

i'm driving you to the hospital!!lol..i'm gona be screaming.."kyle! breathe!" "boo calm him down!"lol..

Felicia Joy said...

tiffany your so amazing ...i love you!!